- For information on national and state policies related to ELLs... Check this website out:
TRANSLATION: To get a fairly good translation from English to Spanish. Try:
- google translator
Self-Concept - Self-Image:
- Induction of Optimism + Alliance Formation = Ownership of needs, Advocacy stance, Support
ELL/ENL - good website and "many things" website with a lot of helpful links for ELL students
IDEAS for Instruction:
Story Chain = Story Guess (Write a chain of vocab words/phrases under the story chain and then use those words to guess what the story is going to be about!)
Anticipatory Guides (True/False or Probably/Not Likely)
Double Entry Journals:
(Or use index card and have the text on one side and ?? on the other)
Text - thoughts
Text - comp strategies
Text - picture
Last word:
Choose a passage or draw a picture on the front of the card. Kids write on the back...they show everyone the front and each person in his/her group comments, then the original student shares what s/he wrote.
Using a pattern book:
create a concept sort: two columns of words (critter/slim's stuff)
Use words to create an illustration and new page for the book following the pattern
Media Analysis:
- On an index card, Pick a scene and illustrate it (caption, write on the back) - then put them in order based on the movie, create a book and add to it. Students can create more captions or color it or....
- Watch/read media, Brainstorm words (whole class), categorize words (small group), write a response using the words, revise and peer edit/revise/add
- More Media Information
SWATT: What is significant, Why, how will you Apply, to teaching, tomorrow
SWALT: Significant? Why? How to apply? to learning? tomorrow?
Vocab Development:
Web: Great site with lots of information
Vocab: category, jobs/applications, synonyms, antonyms
Vocab: properties, parts, meaning, it is and it isn't, contexs, remember it because
Word trees....
Word continuum...
Remember: Free Rice is a fun way to learn vocabulary and "save the world"
Community Building:
Worry Box
Question Box
Admit slip
Exit slip
Use Bio Poems - (surprise, someday poems, I remember, I am, etc...) Great to use for community building, to consider self, time, place, characters, etc...
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