Saturday, April 10, 2010

Letter to 5th Graders


Dear _____,
Middle school is a fun place to be! Because of the positive learning environment that exists here, the Jackson Hole Middle School is a unique place. There are three concepts that, I think, make it so.

Early in, early out. There are three reasons that getting out of school and waking up early is AWESOME! First, it's nice to have something to look forward to in the afternoon whether it be sports or friends. I love biking around and having this time. Second, having some extra time to get homework done is fantastic. Personally, I enjoy the feeling of relief that comes after finishing homework early. Third, waking up early makes me feel good! Somehow this energizes me and in the winter it is wonderful seeing a world of sparkling powder and mesmerizing patterns in the frost. Remarkable moments such as these create joy in our lives. As Mr. Franklin said, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise!" I hope that you feel the same.

JHMS has a great student counseling center. There are three attributes that make this place special. First, you can get help with all of your problems. I (being the messiest person on Earth) have needed help countless times just to open my locker! Second, the counseling center is filled with people who love to listen attentively. It is nice for me to know somebody always cares. Lastly, the student counseling center is open whenever you might need it which shows their commitment. Did you know one of the counselors just won the Bear Hug Award? That shows she cares about kids! Don't be afraid to use the counseling center.

Quarterly Recognition is something that primary schools never had. For three reasons, this recognition is a plus. First, Quarterly Recognition is a reward for hard work and good attitude. This shows that the staff of the school trusts us to behave ourselves whether they see us or not. Second, with quarterly recognition, we get a day of shortened classes, proving that everyone who participates gets a real treat and not something trivial. Third, in quarterly recognition you have the choice of participating in pre-arranged activities or socializing with friends. JHMS, thus, believes that talking with friends is fine as long as it’s not disruptive. Quarterly recognition is something to really look forward to!

Middle school is a great way to meet new friends and have fantastic and enthusiastic teachers. I hope that you will have as enjoyable of a year as I have. If you need help, just remember I am down the 7th grade hall!

Most sincerely, Adam

Dear ??,
Sixth grade is extraordinary! I know it may seem difficult and frightening, but it’s not. Here are my three favorite aspects of the school year.

In the middle school, we get to celebrate each quarter and each month. Here are three ways to congratulate yourself. First, all of the staff and student leaders have GREAT ideas! At the end of the first quarter, we got to have ice cream, play musical chairs, and either play dodge ball or sing karaoke! Second, once you get half way through the year, you get to go outside and have fun with all of the sixth, seventh, and eighth graders for over an hour! Plus, the school staff serves you hot dogs, hot chocolate, and cookies! Third, at the end of each month, we do Student of the Month. At lunch the teachers announce students that they have chosen to reward, and they give them certificates and a school T-shirt. Once they say about five or so kids and take their pictures, there is a raffle drawing. The staff buys random items and toys, and then they announce the raffle number. If the number is yours, you get to choose a gift from the prize table. Quarterly recognition and Student of the Month are great, but I personally have more fun at the school dances!

When you attend the middle school, we get to have school dances at the end of each quarter. Here are three positive things that I like about the dances. First, they are loud, dark, and exciting! Everyone there has an enjoyable time, although you might lose your voice before you leave! Second, you don’t have to dance with boys if you don’t want to. It’s just as fun, or more in my opinion, to hang out and dance with your friends. Third, it only costs two dollars to get in, and the money goes to the Global Warming Hero League or other groups. Therefore, you can have a good time and help a good cause! Of course, that’s not the only place you can hear excellent music!

JHMS has an AMAZING music program. Kids have three choices on where to go. First, you can join orchestra. Either you can play the violin, the viola, the cello, or the bass. That list goes in order from smallest to largest and also from highest to lowest. I myself play the viola, and I have a blast! Second, you can choose band! If you choose band you can play a HUGE variety of instruments. You can play anything in the woodwind, brass, or percussion families. You have fun, AND learn fast! Third, you can choose choir! Mr. Gutwein is nice and smart, and he will help you perfect your voice. During sixth grade, YOU can choose what YOU want and enjoy the music!

Those are only a few reasons why middle school is a great place. It’s also not scary at all. Within a week, you will feel like it's your second home! Next year, think adventure! Have a great time!


Dear Kristina,
Sixth grade will be the best year of your life! Middle school beats elementary school by far. There are three great aspects about sixth grade that I know you will love.

Our classes in middle school are extravagant. Personally, I have three favorite classes. My first favorite class is shop, where you get to get to build race cars. After you build your car, you can watch it race down the hallway at sixty miles per hour. We get to race other students, which is extremely fun, and I placed fourth. P.E. is my next favorite class. We get to play dodge ball every other week, which is awesome. Last of all, music is extravagant, too. Band, choir, and orchestra are your three choices for music. As you should know, I play the trombone in band, which is awesome, but the the other instruments are good, too. So if you think that sixth grade is boring, think again. It’s not!

When I was in fifth grade, I was worried about middle school, so you probably are, too. Three of the worries I had, though, turned out to be no problem. At first, I was afraid that we didn't get to have recess. But we do, and if you don’t want to go outside, then you can play computer games, read or catch up on school work in the library. Second, I was told that we didn’t have field trips, but every once in a while we do. Usually we go to the Center For The Arts, but the last field trip we had we got to go to the Rec Center! Last, just like everybody else, I was worried about my locker being jammed or impossible to open. No need to worry though, because if I help you, then you’ll nail it! Now you won't have nothing to worry about in sixth grade.

Middle school provides you with plenty of time for friends. Here are a couple tips about sixth grade friends. First, you can make hundreds of new friends. It’s really easy, even if you’re shy. Also, every quarter there’s a dance and quarterly recognition. This is a great time to hang out with your buddies. You can also talk to them in the halls. Between classes you have five minutes, and although it seems short, it’s not. Last of all, the best time to talk is during lunch. Our school lunches are delicious, and while you're eating it you can chat with your friends. Even in school there’s plenty of time for friends!

Whatever bad facts you’ve heard about middle school aren’t true. It’s way more awesome than it seems. I know you’ll have fun! alway have me if you need anything!
Your sister,

Dear Tristan ,
Sixth grade is great! There are lots of wonderful changes that will make you scream. I liked everything about sixth grade. From the field trips to exciting projects, sixth grade is a fantastic year.
The school dances are one of the best events about this new school. There are three reasons dances are great. First, when you need a rest, there will be food to chow down and drinks to gulp. Having drinks and food there is marvelous. You will never get thirsty or hungry because if you do, just take a trip over to the snack table. Also, being at the dances is a great way to be with your friends. Every time you go to the dance, you can make a new friend, be with your old friends, and even dance with other friends. Last, you can get your heart pumping and have fun! Dances are places to make memories and enjoy yourself. Never be scared to go because I assure you that you will have a great time.
Quarterly recognition is loads of fun. There are three examples why this is true. First, the activities are fantastic. They always have an activity that you will want to do over and over again. Next, you be able to be with your friends again. Roam around, chill, and even do an activity together at this time. Lastly, there will probably be challenges and competitions too. You could compete with friends, and maybe even win some prizes at some of the activities. No matter what, you will have a smile on your face when you are at this end-of-the quarter carnival.
Don’t worry about your core classes; they are great. There are three reasons you'll learn a lot. First, getting to the classes is a breeze. You will never get lost and will have plenty of time to get to your classes. Second, the classes are really exciting. I guarantee that you will learn great and interesting topics. Third, you can choose between band, orchestra and choir. Personally I choose band and it is really fun to learn an instrument. If band isn’t for you, I heard the other music choices are good too. The classes at JHMS will make you want to come to school!
You should be really excited to come to sixth grade. I promise it will be a fun, exciting, and all around fantastic year. Sixth grade will be great for you just like it was for me.
From your friend,


Dear Walter,
The Middle School is very exciting. You don’t have to worry about coming here next year. (Make this only exciting - INstead of you don't have to worry - try you should be so excited about... - see the difference?) Here are some entertaining things about it. Music is a very exciting thing. Orchestra is what I chose, but from what I have heard all the music classes awesome. There are three reasons why I think music is exciting. First, you get to learn cool songs. In orchestra, I learned "Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End". Learning cool songs like that one ensures that I am not bored. Second, all the music classes are interesting. You don't need to worry which one you are in. (Is this actually a reason why music is exciting? Think of a better reason!) Next, reading notes won't be hard because you will have time to study. Having time to study means you won’t be behind. Don’t worry about music classes because band, choir, and orchestra are all very good music classes. (What about the concerts, Walk Hall, performing, the thrill of getting the notes right after months of practice???)
A big thing about middle school is that you will have a lot of friends. I have made a lot. (Be specfic? How many? How?) Here a three good things about making friends at the middle school. First, friends are very easy to make. You will not have to worry about not having any. (How do you do it? be specific...) Second, you will have a truck load of friends. It is impossible to be excluded. I have been excluded at other schools, but never here. Last, you will have at least one friend in every class. If you need help you will have multiple friends to help you. Also, you will not feel left out. There is definitely no need to think that you won’t have any friends, because you will have a lot.
Quarterly Recognition is one of my favorite parts of the year because you don't have to do school work. There are three very great parts of it. First, it is a reward for all the work you have done during the quarter. You will be joyful.(vague and first thought) Second, you will have a lot of freedom. You will get to move around a ton. (vague and first thought -tell them what we did this year? Be specific.) Last, you get to hang out with friends. Being able to hang out with your friends means you will be able to talk with them. (BO - go Beyond the Obvious!) Also, you will be able to do exiting stuff with them. Don’t think middle school will be boring because Quarterly Reconition makes it very exciting four times every year. You should definitely not worry about going to middle school. Sixth grade is a very enjoyable year. I encourage you to be exited for middle school, so you can start with a blast.

Hope you have a great time in middle school,

Dear Bradan LAST NAME,
Sixth grade will be the best year of your life. The middle school is the best place to learn. Don’t be nervous, but if you are after I tell you about JHMS, you will be jumping out of your shoes to get over here.

Specials are the greatest classes at this school. First, shop class is amazing! Shop lets you make different projects out of wood. One specific object is you get to to make is a high-powered race car. You will design it, build it and then race it at the end of the quarter. Mine didn't do so well, so I would suggest making yours a short and light car and focusing on its aerodynamics. Have fun and stay safe in shop! SEcond, the next specials class you'll love is art. In art you get to do project like making a comic, drawing on the computer, and much, much more. Last, but not least, is music. You can choose between band, orchestra, and choir. I choose band. I like it because you get real instruments. My instrument a trumpet, but you can choose a trombone, clarinet, saxophone, or even the drums. You will have a blast in specials all year long.

Sports are a big part of JHMS. Wrestling is a competitive sport here that 6th graders can participate in. As you know wrestling is a fun sport. Track is a sport of endurance. It is a sport of winning and having fun. PE helps you get ready for track in 7th and 8th grades. PE is like being in a sport. Right now we are learning about bowling. It is a "rolling" good time. Have fun and enoy our sports.

Lunches at the middle school are so much better. Our lunches have a variety of choices. You have delicious homemade soup. We have two choices every day, and trust me, they are really good. You have good lunches all the time. They are healthy and nutritious. Our lunches also have a tasty treat: vanilla, chocolate, or mixed ICE CREAM CONES. It is a tasty treat for everyone to enjoy. Don't our lunches sound tasty? Aren't you excited!?

Doesn’t that sound like a good school? There are great classes, fun sports, and tasty lunches. AND, the people are fun. If you get lost in the hallway, just follow your classmates - it's like a current of kids - and they will show you the way. There is nothing to worry about. Time flies in school, so see you next year.
Your buddy,


Dear Molly,

Middle School is coming soon, so get ready for fun! You don’t need to worry about anything. Let me tell you about Middle School and how fun it is. Be ready to get excited about middle school.

Lockers are the best part about Middle School, well for me it was. Here are three ideas for lockers. First, you can decorate your locker any way you want to or you can just leave it plain with nothing in it. But you should decorate it because it is more fun! If you do want to decorate your locker, you can go to Staples and find materials for your locker. They have good things like magnets, mirrors, and locker shelves. Next, don’t worry about being shoved in your locker. Besides you can’t fit in you locker. Also there are no bullies. If you think that 8th graders will bully you. They won’t because they are on the other side of the school and you barely see them. Third, time flies by really fast. So if you think you won’t get a locker next year you will get one all the way through middle school. Maybe even High School. Cubbies are not as cool as lockers so have fun with it.

Teachers are awesome too. Here are some tips about teachers. First, your teachers are nice on the first day. Even if you don’t have them in one of your classes. You might not get homework on the first day, and don’t freak out that you think your teacher is mean. Next, After School Homework Help (ASHH) is great when you need help with your homework. Stay after school and your teacher help you with your grades. Lastly, second chance is great also because you get a second chance to do your homework. If you forgot your homework you can go to your teachers room and finish it instead of going to the principles office and finishing it. Don’t be scared of teachers they will help you when you need help.

You will have a the best time ever with specials. All of us get two specials a day. First, P.E is exciting. In P.E you get you learn a lot of sports and activities like basketball, bowling, jump rope, tumbling and others. Next, shop is fun and exciting. You get to make a race car out of wood and paint it what ever you want. You will have the best time ever in shop class. When shop is over you get to race your car and see if you win. Last, you get to pick one out of three music categories Band Choir and Orchestra. Orchestra has mostly all the string interments. Band has percussion. I don't really know exactly what is in those two classes. But I am in Choir and they have really fun music to sing. Even if you don't like to sing it is a good class. Everyday you get to have 3 cores and 2 specials, which are the greatest.

Middle school is a blast and everyday is fun. Don’t be afraid just have fun with your friends and teachers. So make it you own.

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