Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Studio notes and learning (2010-11)

Studio helps us to elevate our shared understanding...which then elevates our shared practice.

NRC:  "...experts have acquired extensive knowledge that effects what they notice and how they organize, represent, and interpret information in their environments.  This, in turn, affects their abilities to remember, reason, and solve problems. knowledge serves to create a habit of critically analyzing evidence."

When you click for the document, you will be sent to the webquest.  Find the section labeled:   "Memorialized' CEL, PLC Notes:" and the documents can be downloaded there.

For the AGENDA and NOTE from 1/24-25 Studio here.
For the AGENDA for 11/15-16 Studio here.
For NOTES from 11/15 - Studio Teacher work day... click here
For AGENDA for 11/16 Studio Work... click here.
For NOTES from 11/16 Studio Work...
For "Cycle of Inquiry reflection Information" for October and November (a summary of all of your learning, questions, and action plans) here.

Our Learning so far:

Studio #1:
What have we learned??? See below OR  Click here for the document of Michelle's summary of our learning.

The roles and purposes of Shared Reading and Independent Reading:
Shared Reading:
  • Something you cannot do alone
  • Includes all students
  • Text is higher than grade level
  • Focus is on developing cognitive ability
Independent Reading:

  • Reading a "just right" level book is the best way to become a better reader.
  • Reading silently improves reading ability of the reader.  (Reading aloud doesn't always have this effect.)
  • Independent Reading = reading silently, at individual pace, a "just right" book, student choice
  • Talk is about books.
What we did between studios:
  1. All CEL teachers go students into "just right" IR books.
  2. IR time revealed problems!  What do they do while reading?  (Read vs Active Reading)  How do we manage IR? How do we get kids to talk meaningfully about so many books?
  3. Shared Reading was great - we feel it is a strength.  How do we help students transfer what we do in SR in IR time?
  4. What about our struggling readers...still?

Studio #2:
Planning Frames:
  1. What was revealed in the last lesson?
    1. Think of lessons as strands.  Each lesson “reveals” problems that become the next lesson in the strand.  This is the beginning of our assessment conversation.  There is never the idea that in one lesson we will have “taught that.”
  2. What should be my a focused purpose for this lesson considering TEXT vs READING?
    1. Will I focus on the TEXT (Content, Literary Analysis)? Why?
    2. Will I focus on the READING SKILLS/STRATEGIES or Literary Elements? Why?
    3. What challenge do I expect?
  3. Choose the text.
    1. What is the text demand?
    2. How will I support the reading of this text?
    3. Expository Text Demands:  content, text structure, text demand/coherence issues...
    4. Expository Reader Demands:  student orientation, expository reading process, PK, skills/strategies, purpose for reading
  4. Which Readers' Workshop structure will I use?
    1. Shared Reading 
      1. Purpose?
      2. Content - Textbook? other text?
    2. Transfer Strategy (described during shared reading experience and/or small group instruction before IR begins?)
    3. Independent Reading (Active Reading)
      1. Purpose
      2. Content - current events, Junior Scholastic, essentials, etc.
    4. Share (not a current focus)
      1. Purpose
      2. Current strength - Shared Reading discussions & Lit Circles
      3. Goal:  How to share/talk about our Independent Reading books in a meaningful way.
  5. Predict student responses and plan for how to respond to those responses!
    1. What would I expect from an advanced, proficient, and lower level reader?  
    2. What are the student learning strategies I am expecting?  How can I unpack this strategy for my students?
  6. Plan for Student Engagement:
    1. What teacher engagement strategies will I use? (grouping, talk moves)
    2. What task will I ask students to do?  Goal:  intellectually stimulating
    3. How will I use student talk?  (PTT, TT, Groups, etc.)
      1. Goal:  Shift the "locus of control" from teacher to student
      2. Who is doing the talking? Who is doing the thinking?
TPOVs (from LA PLC December meeting):
  1. We have learned that the best way for students to become better readers is to actively read at their "just right" level while transferring critical thinking skills taught in their shared reading, and this process has increased student ownership.  We are wondering how we are going to formally assess reading in a meaningful way.
  2. In CEL, we have shifted our practice to a more student-centered approach to reading utilizing a shared and independent reading model.  Our work ahead focuses on critical thinking and transfer for independent reading success.

STUDIO #3:  For notes on our learning,  click here

Ideas for between studio work:

  1. Identify #struggling readers OR # high readers OR # confusing readers and identify their reading behaviors/skills using Fountas and Pinnell.  What are their needs?  What are they on the verge of ?  How are they stable?
  2. Take one day a week to focus on reading lessons.
  3. Think about how your reading is organized.  Is it more focused on content or reading?  How can you be more intentional and balanced with your lessons?
  4. Analyze the text demand (using Fountas and Pinnell) of the text your are using.



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