Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Quotes from Amy's presentation, August 2013:

  • B-RtI is just helping someone be a better someone.
  • Content is a big disguise; behind it is SEL and B-RtI concepts.
  • We aren't changing student behavior; we are changing our behavior.  That's why it's hard!

You Matter - amazing project, student ownership (student leadership)

5 S's for building Community Support of School:  Student Achievement, Sports, Specials, Safety, Service... a sample to do list.

"There is a fine line between energy and poor behavior!" ~Alex Wilson

  • We re-visit, re-learn, and re-understand to make collaborative connections and build shared understanding.  This is different than individual prior knowledge and experience. ~Pam
  • Core beliefs + Enhanced Knowledge + Better Skills = Better Practice
    • Create fidelity - flexibility within Integrity
  • What are the foundational documents?  (Complex - so much there - so they deserve our ongoing attention!)
    • B-RtI - 16 Classroom Management Strategies
      • Amy, Jason, Jenny, Mandy, James
    • LA - Balanced Literacy, Mini-lesson template
    • Math - CCSS Math Practices, HCT
  • It's not about change; it's about improvement ~Pam
  • Adults exist on a thin schedule of reinforcement!  (notes, congratulating, referencing, etc)  We need PBS for adults, too.
    • We work with kids like we work with each other.
  • Key Concepts don't go away (Student Talk) VS Sound bites are trendy and can create issues (CEL, "Best Practices")
  • Training - Coaching - Partnering
  • None of us is as skills as all of us!
  • Create a culture of Feedback - using norms and protocols, lesson autopsies
  • "Messy Years" - it will feel like you are riding 2 horses.  Soon we'll have to choose the horse!
    • If people love something not-productive, ask, "How is that working for you?"
  • Share both the Philosophical ---------the Practical.  
    • Goal:  Manage the lag time between the two.

  • Our ultimate goal is that our children become high functioning adults.
    • Recognize and manage emotions
    • Care about and respect others
    • Develop positive relationships
    • Make good decisions
    • Behave responsibly and ethically
  • Instructional time is gained or lost 1 minutes at a time.  Instructional time is gained as we tighten things up.  (C:  Mini-lesson template)  
    • Pre-correction saves classroom time.
    • Two critical variable for learning:  time devoted to instruction & academic engaged time (learning does not occur if the student is not paying attention!)
    • What are our teaching strategies that give us back time to teach?
  • If we don't do something once observed, they are on a life track to trouble.  "SE problems are more stable and sustainable than IQ."  We have to disrupt SE problems.
  • 2017 - Epidemic of Internalizing disorders, K-12, due to bleak outlook about future
  • Create positive peer contagion to follow rules rather than break them.
  • builds behavioral momentum!  
  • We think they are worth it!
  • "In 2011, a meta-analysis by Joseph Durlak showed that in schools where social skills are explicitly taught, academic achievment rises about 13%, in both course grades and standardized tests.  Collaboration works (p 57)."  From: Best Practice - Bringing Stardards to Life in America's Classrooms by Steven Zemelman, Harvey Daniels, and Arthur Hyde

Key Concepts:
  1. 1 size fit does not fit all - 
    1. multiple tiers of support.  
    2. Students present variability to us.  
    3. Interventions bring human connection to students
    4. Don't push away the kids who need you most.
  2. Evidence based in every tier.  Objective, independent...meta-analysis.  Getting Tier 1 in order will reduce your "customers" at tier 2 and 3.
  3. Universal Screening - proactive and allows for earlier interventions - instead of wait to fail model.  Universal Screening gives everyone a voice and identifies a range of needs to mobilize interventions.
  4. Progress Monitoring - formative assessment used to make decisions.  1 minute probes.
    1. 4 data points - 4 weeks gives a trend.  
  5. Database decisions - collect data using a universal screener and progress monitoring.  If you collect too much, you will not use it.  Don't assess unless you have plans to use it.  Four database decisions:
    1. Keep going
    2. Bump up intensity
    3. Change / Modify
    4. Lesson, bump down intensity
  6. Fidelity of implementation:  
    1. consistency and accuracy. 
      1. Goal:  Flexibility within Integrity
      2. **No child thrives in inconsistency!**
    2.  Do people understand the rationale and research of every part?  
    3. It's the subtleties that create fidelity.
    4. Belief + Knowledge + Skills = Procedures 
      1. There is no fidelity to procedures without shared understanding of first three
  7. Build a culture of feedback - "None of us is as good as ALL of us!"
    1. people must be open to improve, 
    2. people must welcome feedback - positive and corrective, 
    3. feed up and feed down, 
    4. feedback must be in the ZPD, 
    5. "I'm in a community that will support me." - How do you create this feeling?  NORMS and protocols
    6. Motivating students via feedback
  8. Problem solving Stance - "Neutralize outside factors"
    1. Talk about CONTROLLABLE factors only.  
    2. Focus on factors INSIDE school.  
    3. Focus on SOLUTIONS
    4. *There is a process that allows us to look at a kid in 3-4 minutes.
      1. Under what conditions is s/he successful?  Under what conditions is s/he not?
  9. 16 Classroom Management Strategies:
    1. Organizing a productive classroom (CEL, CEC)
    2. Establishing positive relationships with all students in class (CEC) - Article (motivation alternatives = genuine relationships),  Teaching Channel Video - "If there is bad behavior happening in my classroom, I look at what I am doing and change that!"
    3. Positive greetings at the door to precorrect and establish positive climate (CEC)
    4. Classroom rules/expectations and procedures are visible and known by every student (CEC)
      1. Expectations are taught, rehearsed, reinforced (given status)
      2. Expectations are framed in the positive
      3. Goal: consequences should teach a better way of behaving.
    5. Transitions are managed well (CEL - CP, SE, CEC)
      1. Idea:  Transitions using TV Theme Songs
      2. Choreograph your classroom (Teaching Channel video)
    6. Independent seat work is managed and use when needed (CEL - CP, FA)
    7. Communicating competently with students (P, FA, CP, CEC) - (online preview of book titled Opening Minds - Choice Words)
    8. Teach, model, and reinforce prosocial skills (CP, CEC)
      3. 5 Anchors of SEL curric:  self-awareness, responsible decision making, relationship skills, self-management, social awareness
    9. Teacher proximity (CEL - SE, CEC)
    10. Motivation Systems to reward desirable behavior (CEC)
    11. Goal setting and performance feedback (FA, CP, P, CEC) (motivating students with feedback)
    12. Visual schedule of classroom activities (CEC)
    13. Effective cuing systems to release and gain attention (CEC)
      1. Idea:  Getting attention using TV Theme Songs
    14. 5:1 ratio of positive: corrective interactions (CEC)
      1. "Praise in public; confer in private."
    15. Smiling and positive affect (CEC)
    16. Frequent opportunities to respond (3B, FA, CEC)
    • OR - as organize by category:
      • Can be seen in the classroom:
        • Organize a productive classroom (organizationally)
        • Classroom rules/expectations and procedures are visible
        • Visible schedule of classroom activities
      • Instruction Based / Teacher dependence:
        • Organize a productive classroom (instructionally)
        • Positive greetings at the door / pre-correction
        • Transitions managed well
        • Independent seat word is managed and used when needed
        • Communicate competently with students
        • Teacher proximity
        • Motivational systems
        • Goal setting and performance feedback
        • Effective cuing systems
        • Frequent opportunities to respond
      • Relationship/Social skills:
        • 5:1 (note:  we need to correct so don't avoid the "1")
        • Establish positive relationships with all students
        • Smiling and positive affect
        • Teach, model, and reinforce prosocial skills (SEL)
    • How does this article compare to the 16 PCMS (a .... by another name is still a ....): 
Data from Screener:
  • Data speaks to the quality of Tier 1, culture of the school, and staff inconsistencies.
  • The more internalized the child, the more exposure s/he needs.
Evaluating Tier 1:
  1. Behavioral expectations identified and posted
  2. Definitions of problem behaviors (see clusters)
  3. Regularly scheduled teaching of expectations
  4. Motivation system and 5:1
  5. Staff Training
  6. Monitoring and polling
Notes about Tier 2:
  • Teachers are NOT in charge of Tier 2 interventions.
Types of behavior/Behavior clusters:
  • Irritating (not sent out)
  • Mildly disruptive (not sent out)
  • Truly disruptive (if non-responsive)
  • Might be dangerous (not sent out)
  • Dangerous (office)

PROMPT or Behavior Redirections:  
Goal:  Get to 5:1 before the teaching interaction (opportunities are noted below in ().)
  1. Proximity (if you smile, you get 1 of 5)
  2. Redirection not about the behavior - notice something else....get their attention
  3. Ongoing Monitoring - acknowledge and thank redirections (gets you 2-4 of 5) 
  4. Prompt to desired behaviors (be clear and specific)
  5. (If non-compliance) Teaching Interaction  ("Rule breaking is a tender moment between teacher and is not public.")
    1. "Empathy statement (gets you to 5 of 5), but _____.  What I need you to do instead is _______ because (rationale).  Create a class consequence....
    2. Redirection Pairings:  (Empathy + Inappropriate) + (Appropriate + Rationale) + Consequence (linked to taking feedback)
    3. How to remember:   
      1. Understand why..., but...  
      2. If ..., then ....
      3. OK?
      4. Because..., but....
  1. Reinforcement Sandwich:  Reinforce + Precorrection + Reinforce
  2. **Remember form vs function - what the kids is saying is OK, his/her form may be off.  Teach students how to alter the form to allow others to understand and respond to their message.  What do you really need to communicate?
  3. Remember:  We are their frontal lobes!
Behavior Contrast:
  • 5:1 - creates behavior contrast, creates personal relationships
    • If no 5:1, you have missed an opportunity
    • *Studio to measure!
  • Goal build a culture of rule following from a culture of rule breaking!
  • Pre-correction builds a positive community.
  • *Makes punishments and reinforcements WORK!
  • It's not PBS without rewards!
  • Remember:  Rewards may or may not be reinforcers.  They are only reinforcers if the behavior changes.  (Also, punishment is only a punishment if the behavior changes!)
  • Rewards are tangible and privileges and getting rid of what you don't want.
  • Internal motivation increases as life gives you more.  We all have internal and external motivations - they are not in competition.
  • Element of surprise is very motivating.
  • Must have frequency, variety, immediacy, power.
  • Needs:  FUN, Freedom, Empowered, Belonging, Physical Needs
  • Classical Conditions - pair something fun with SCHOOL!  
    • Fun, supported, challenging, connected
  • CHART - Consequences of Behavior - Reinforcers and Punishments
    • Reinforce - increase behavior
      • Present stimulus - positive reinforcement (give $$)
      • Remove stimulus - take away something unwanted (chores)
    • Punish - decrease behavior
      • Present stimulus - positive punishment (give chores)
      • Remove stimulus - take away something wanted (no screens)
  • Motivation vs Self-motivation
Good Behavior Game - Tier 1:
  • "An effective procedure that allow teachers to increase academic engagement and reduce disruptive behavior at times when students are likely to misbehave."
  • Creates a classroom culture of productivity.
    • Builds behavioral momentum!!
  • TOOL:  Use when there is a topic - interest gap.  (When, for how long, What is motivator? Who is MVP - how chosen?)  Use when you expect or observe disengagement.  Do not use every day.
  • Maintain Instructional Control!
  • Key Ingredients:  competition (keep it close), whole class, creates peer contagion, winners
  • Resources:  manual, intervention central - GBG
  • 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - Finished
  • to get attention, do something kids can join you doing.... (clap, stomp, etc)
Group Work:
  • Norms
  • Roles:  Discussion leader, Record Keeper, Time Keeper (periodic checks), Processor "How did we do?" 

Cool Ideas:
  • Match affect VS Lead affect
  • "Dead Man Rule" - If a dead man can do it as well as a live person, that's bad teaching/learning.
  • Fresh Start meetings - broker a deal, Introduce Rules and set goals
  • Blitz Reinforcers - target 10 kids to positively reinforce during one week.
  • Peer Coaches
  • Discriminative Learning = examples (3) and non-examples (1 - adult only)
  • SLANT - Sit up, Look and Listen, Ask and Answer, Non-verbal, Tract and Take notes
  • Self-Monitoring:  KYMS (Keep Your Mouth Shut) - record each time and after 5, share.  (increases tolerance!)
  • Class Pass - Maintain instructional control!  (They are already off task!)
  • SEL Lesson:

    • T - Thoughts:  what we think affects how we act and feel.
    • E - Emotions: How we feel affects what we think and do.
    • B - Behaviors:  How we act affects how we think and feel.

Meditation in the classroom....really?!?!  Why?

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