Thursday, August 29, 2013

Curricular Planning

Essentials Table of Contents:
  1. Revisions from year to year
  2. Curricular Map (6-8) - 
    1. sequence of skills "What do you have to know to do X?"
    2. Launch (routines, community building, HOM)
    3. Genre
    4. Comprehension
    5. Fluency
    6. Writing connections / grammar
    7. Work Work: vocabulary or word meaning (tiers 1-3) and spelling
  3. Units at a Glance: 
    1. Unit Name
    2. Days
    3. Genre
    4. List of skills
  4. Resources:  assess, GRR, Cambourne, TCSD beliefs, readings about teacher practice
  5. Glossary:  shared understanding
  6. Each Unit:
    1. Unit at a glance:  EQ, LT, Student Texts at grade level, learning targets: comprehension, fluency, writing connections and word study
  7. Unit Overview:
    1. EQ
    2. LT for Comprehension, fluency, writing connections, word study (tier 1-3)
    3. Language Outcomes
    4. Resources for students texts and teacher resources
    5. Assessments with rubrics
      1. Reading Outcome
      2. Teaching Points:  in order, builds to final outcome
      3. Assessment
      4. Materials needed
    6. CCSS - unpacked
    7. Common Assessments:
      1. Unit Assessments:  grade level text and task, excepts from books, cross text comparisons
      2. Performance Tasks:  grade level task @ independent reading level
    8. Lessons:  Only after lesson study used to create reflection for the lesson's use.
    9. Resources for unit
      1. professional reading about strategies and skills in unit
      2. possible scaffolds
      3. copies of anchor charts
    10. Reflection:
      1. Vetting process
      2. Reflection page:  What's working? What's challenging?  Recommended revisions
Black Belt Planning tool:
Daily Best Practices:

  • Identify Standards to teach
  • Identify skills within the standard
  • Identify Learning Target / Success Criteria
  • Explore
  • Demonstrate
  • Collaborate / Discourse
  • Learning by Teaching
  • Whole Group
  • Flexible Group
  • One on One
  • Modeling and Structured practice
  • Guided practice
  • Independent practice
  • Debate / Defending
  • Real World Prompts
  • Technology as a learning tool
CCSS Tasks LA:
  • Close Read
  • Cite Evidence
  • Analyze how and why
  • Interpret words and phrases
  • Integrate and evaluate content
  • Analyze multiple texts
  • Speak
  • U??
  • Write
  • Opinion
  • Argument with evidence
  • Informative/Explanatory writing
  • Narrative writing
  • MP1-8
ELA Shifts:
  • Balance Fiction and nonfiction
  • Build knowledge in discipline
  • Increase complexity
  • Text-based answers
  • Writing from sources
  • Academic Vocabulary
Math Shifts:
  • Focus
  • Coherence 
  • Fluency
  • Deep understanding: Strategic thinking and reasoning, extended thinking
  • Application
  • Dual Intensity

GANAG - from Marzano (Classroom Instruction that Works)
  • Goal:  pedagogical automaticity (changing teaching habits)
  • GANAG:
    • G: Goals - LT/SC
      • Standards - ID skills needed - SC or Self-regulating skills, character traits
    • A:  Access PK in under 3 minutes! (EX:  ham story, cut off sides cuz oven too small...still doing it with large ovens!)  What cues or prompts do we use?
        • What is invisible in plain site?
        • How can we flip or twist old knowledge into the new?
        • What's a simple solution?
      • Use images, video clips (be creative in application - force and motion = Angel in sled!), physical reminders
      • rubric:
        • 1 - Don't know anything
        • 2 - I've heard it before, but I couldn't talk academically about it.  Sounds familiar.
        • 3 - I remember a few facts.
        • 4 - I know a lot about this topic.  I could talk academically about it.
        • 5 - I could teach this!  I can make connections and metaphors about this topic.
    • N:  New Information/Knowledge
      • Acquire Declarative - gather (input) or organize (output)
      • Acquire Procedural - gather (read, listen, watch) or practice
      • Strategies to use:  
        • Goal:  students will use enough that they OWN the strategy, be able to use without teacher direction!
          • Identify similarities and differences (1.61 effect size/ 45% percentile gain)
          • summarize / note taking (1.0 / 34%)
          • reinforcing effort / provide recognition (.80 / 29%)
          • HW and Practice (.77 / 28%)
          • Nonlinguistic representation (.75 / 28%)
          • Cooperative learning (.73 / 27%)
          • Set objectives & provide feedback (.61 / 23%)
            • 4 types of feedback:
              • expert feedback
              • clarifying
              • listening
              • reflective (from self)
            • Provide more opportunities for students to see feedback.
            • "Feedback is the hinge that swings the information about goals and progress between students and teachers."
            • Feedback reduces the gap between what is known and what is aimed to be known.
          • Generate and test hypothesis (.61 / 23%)
          • Questions, cues, and advanced organizers (.59 / 22%)
    • A:  Apply thinking or practice:
      • to thinking skill
      • to a new situation
    • G:  Generalize, Goal Review/Revisit (how did I do against the LT/SC?), Grade 
      • Review scores (standards, self-assessment, character)
      • Process:
        • Record the goal - both effort and understanding (in the notebook, on goal sheet, on top of think sheet)
        • Score knowledge 1-5
        • Revise the goal and re-rank knowledge.
      • Goal Chart - if always a 2, discuss.

  • High-level expectations - complex decision making, synthesis, independence, application
  • Transference of skills within and across content and grade levels
  • Gradual release 
  • Feedback - What are we looking for? (T/S checklists) What are we noticing?  How are we responding?
    • If-then curriculum - responsive instruction
    • Assessment ladders - deep assessment 
    • Learning progressions
  • CCSS:
    • sequential, ambitious work in opinion/argument, information, and narrative writing
    • Opportunities for repeated writing practice
    • Opportunities for repeated writing about reading - close reading, text-based questions, and reading to learn writing moves
Lucy Calkins' Writing Units - K-5:
  • K:  launching writers workshop, writing for readers (true stories), how-to books - writing to teach, Persuasive Writing of All Kinds - using words to make a change (petitions, persuasive letters, signs)
  • 1:  Small Moments - writing with focus, detail, and dialogue; Nonfiction Chapter books; Writin gReviews (persuasive book reviews); From Scenes to Series: Writing Fiction (anchor text - Henry and Mudge)
  • 2:  Lessons from the Masters - Improving Narrative Craft - stretching small moments and writing in detail; Lab Reports and Science Books; Writing about Reading - persuasive arguments; Poetry - Big Thoughts in Small Packages - explore and savor language
  • 3:  crafting true stories; Art of Informational Writing; Changing the World - persuasive speeches, petitions, and editorial; Once Upon A Time - adapting and writing fairy tales (writing scenes, omnicient narrator, create tension, crafting figurative language to convey mood)
  • 4:  The Arc of Story - writing realistic fiction (believable characters with struggles and motivations and rich stories to tell); boxes and Bullets - Personal and Persuasive Essays (organization and form to gather evidence to support and express an opinion on topics they know well); Bringing History to LIfe; Literary Essay - writing about fiction
  • 5:  Narrative Craft (more signitifcant, focused personal narratives, turn timelines into cohesive, engaging story mountains); The lens of history - research reports (draw inspiration and understanding from mentor texts, historical accounts, primary source docs, maps, timelines...); Shaping texts - from essay and narrative to memoir (how to write a personal journey, or memoirs, that ar erich with poignant details and compelling insights); Research-Based argument essay (balance evidence and analysis to persuade readers to action)

POssible Repeat:  GANAG Webinar:

GANAG by Jane Pollock (
Based on Resources:
  • Classroom Instruction that Works - Marzano + Jane Pollock
    • Goal:  Students using the strategies without teacher direction.
    • HINGE:  Feedback (4 types) -- All the strategies create MORE feedback 
      • Feedback is the hinge that swing the information about goals and progress between students and teachers.
      • Feedback reduces the gap between what is known and what is unknown/aimed to be known
      • 4 types of feedback
      1. Expert feedback (from teacher)
      2. Clarifying feedback (from teacher or peers)
      3. Listening feedback (from others; observing)
      4. Reflective Feedback (from self)
    • 9 Classroom Strategies
    1. Identify similarities and differences - Effect Size 1.61 - Percentile Gain 45%
    2. Summarize and note taking - 1.0 -- 34%
    3. REinforcing effort and providing recognition - .80 -- 29%
    4. Homework and practice -- .77 -- 28%
    5. Nonlinguistic Representation -- .75 -- 27%
    6. Cooperative Learning -- .73 -- 27%
    7. Set Objectives and provide feedback -- .61 -- 23%
    8. Generate and Test hypothesis -- .61 -- 23%
    9. Questions, cues, and advanced organizers -- .59 -- 22%
  • Feedback: The Hinge-factor that joins Teaching and Learning
  • Minding the Gap One Classroom at a Time
  • Bonnie David - educating for change
  • or

Pedagogical Automaticity:  What is automatic?  What will it take to change your habits?
  • Where does the habit come from?  Do we know that?
    • Example:  ham cut off both sides (grandma and great grandma b/c oven too small)
    • 30% malnutrition & 70% not --> watch the behaviors of the 70% to find out why --> The Power of Positive Deviance (
      • Science
      • Invisible in plain site
      • The flip or the switch
      • A simple Solution
Teaching --> Learning
Objective --> Goal (7 & possibly 8, 3)
Anticipatory Set --> Access Prior Knowledge (5, 9, 1, 6)
Input and Modeling --> New Information (declarative and procedural) (1, 2, 5)
Guided Practice --> Apply Thinking (declarative) OR Guided Practice (procedural) (1 - 6)
Independent Practice --> Apply... (2, 3, 4, 6, 8)
Check for Understanding, monitor, and adjust
Closure --> Generalize (1,7, 8), goal review (student does this) (3,7)  grade (4)
Madelaine Hunter --> GANAG

G - Standards, ID skills needed, Self-regulation skills, character traits (helps develop the frontal lobes)
A - Cues, prompt
N - Aquire NEW knowledge
  • Declarative: gather (input) and organize (output)
  • Procedural:  gather (Input: read, listen, watch steps) and practice (output)
A - Apply thinking skills/ new situations
G - Generalize (exit ticket), Goal Review, Grade score (standards, self-regulation skills, character)  Teacher - class list with goals (with multiple opportunities for scoring) b/c if teach it, score it!

Interactive Notebook:
  • Left Side: STUDENT
  • Right Side: TEACHER
  • G:  Write goals in notebook (score knowledge (1-5) before and after instruction)
  • A:  RIGHT:  APK and LEFT: application to content, questions, connections
  • N:  "Stop to Interact" - chance to use thinking skill OR get feedback OR practice.  RIGHT:  Notes from teacher; LEFT: response, represent notes in a different way, summary, written conversation
  • A:  notes from IP/IWT - Connections to something else... (generating and testing hypothesis / decision making skills)
  • G:  Rescore goals (why), exit ticket
Example Score Sheets:
  • Top:  Personal goal for this unit / Plan for achieving this goal
  • Date -- Goal -- Score before Instruction -- Effort -- Score after Instruction -- Grade
  • Rubric:
    1. Don't know anything
    2. Heard it before, but I need a refresher (sounds familiar)
    3. Remember a few things / facts
    4. I know a lot about it - I can talk about it.
    5. I could teach this and apply it to something else - what's a connection?
  • Circle grades that do not match with reflection scores (ex: 5 and a C)

  • Goals:  LT/SC
    • Provide more opportunity to allow students to seek feedback
    • Ex Goals: 
  • Access Prior Knowledge - under 3 minutes
    • pictures, movies, physical 
      • you don't have to show the whole movie, but they will watch the rest so be sure to watch it...all!
    • "instant grapple"
    • 5 high yield strategies in 5 minutes!
    • Be creative in applications - doesn't have to be exact. (accuracy boomerang)
    • Goal:  grab attention
  • New Information:  Declarative vs Procedural
    • Thinking Skills required to follow COMPLEX INSTRUCTIONS
      • Focus on the Goal:
        • Reduce impulsivity
        • Stick to task
      • Associate: 
        • compare and contrast
        • Classify
        • make analogies
      • Analyze
        • Perspectives (id issue, state perspective, the logic, evidence, state different perspective, the logic, evidence, repeat, summarize)
        • Argument
        • Persuade with fallacies
        • systems (if -- then, flowchart)
      • Decide
        • Investigate / Analyze
        • Understand and Solve the problem
        • Create a test
        • Invert
        • Choose among the alternatives
  • Apply Thinking / New Procedure:
    • Do the .... OR
    • Apply via high cognitive task, online searches...
    • clip board - record thinking throughout the class - Communicates, "Yes, you are being monitored and help accountable for your learning!"
    • "Teach over the shoulders" of students
  • G - generalize (exit ticket), goal reflection, grade
    • Grade throughout class, at the end of class, you know how all students are doing

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