- Revisions from year to year
- Curricular Map (6-8) -
- sequence of skills "What do you have to know to do X?"
- Launch (routines, community building, HOM)
- Genre
- Comprehension
- Fluency
- Writing connections / grammar
- Work Work: vocabulary or word meaning (tiers 1-3) and spelling
- Units at a Glance:
- Unit Name
- Days
- Genre
- List of skills
- Resources: assess, GRR, Cambourne, TCSD beliefs, readings about teacher practice
- Glossary: shared understanding
- Each Unit:
- Unit at a glance: EQ, LT, Student Texts at grade level, learning targets: comprehension, fluency, writing connections and word study
- Unit Overview:
- EQ
- LT for Comprehension, fluency, writing connections, word study (tier 1-3)
- Language Outcomes
- Resources for students texts and teacher resources
- Assessments with rubrics
- Reading Outcome
- Teaching Points: in order, builds to final outcome
- Assessment
- Materials needed
- CCSS - unpacked
- Common Assessments:
- Unit Assessments: grade level text and task, excepts from books, cross text comparisons
- Performance Tasks: grade level task @ independent reading level
- Lessons: Only after lesson study used to create reflection for the lesson's use.
- Resources for unit
- professional reading about strategies and skills in unit
- possible scaffolds
- copies of anchor charts
- Reflection:
- Vetting process
- Reflection page: What's working? What's challenging? Recommended revisions
Black Belt Planning tool:
Daily Best Practices:
Daily Best Practices:
- Identify Standards to teach
- Identify skills within the standard
- Identify Learning Target / Success Criteria
- Explore
- Demonstrate
- Collaborate / Discourse
- Learning by Teaching
- Whole Group
- Flexible Group
- One on One
- Modeling and Structured practice
- Guided practice
- Independent practice
- Debate / Defending
- Real World Prompts
- Technology as a learning tool
CCSS Tasks LA:
- Close Read
- Cite Evidence
- Analyze how and why
- Interpret words and phrases
- Integrate and evaluate content
- Analyze multiple texts
- Speak
- U??
- Write
- Opinion
- Argument with evidence
- Informative/Explanatory writing
- Narrative writing
- MP1-8
ELA Shifts:
- Balance Fiction and nonfiction
- Build knowledge in discipline
- Increase complexity
- Text-based answers
- Writing from sources
- Academic Vocabulary
Math Shifts:
- Focus
- Coherence
- Fluency
- Deep understanding: Strategic thinking and reasoning, extended thinking
- Application
- Dual Intensity
GANAG - from Marzano (Classroom Instruction that Works)
- learninghorizon.net
- Goal: pedagogical automaticity (changing teaching habits)
- G: Goals - LT/SC
- Standards - ID skills needed - SC or Self-regulating skills, character traits
- A: Access PK in under 3 minutes! (EX: ham story, cut off sides cuz oven too small...still doing it with large ovens!) What cues or prompts do we use?
- www.positivedeviance.org
- What is invisible in plain site?
- How can we flip or twist old knowledge into the new?
- What's a simple solution?
- Use images, video clips (be creative in application - force and motion = Angel in sled!), physical reminders
- rubric:
- 1 - Don't know anything
- 2 - I've heard it before, but I couldn't talk academically about it. Sounds familiar.
- 3 - I remember a few facts.
- 4 - I know a lot about this topic. I could talk academically about it.
- 5 - I could teach this! I can make connections and metaphors about this topic.
- N: New Information/Knowledge
- Acquire Declarative - gather (input) or organize (output)
- Acquire Procedural - gather (read, listen, watch) or practice
- Strategies to use:
- Goal: students will use enough that they OWN the strategy, be able to use without teacher direction!
- Identify similarities and differences (1.61 effect size/ 45% percentile gain)
- summarize / note taking (1.0 / 34%)
- reinforcing effort / provide recognition (.80 / 29%)
- HW and Practice (.77 / 28%)
- Nonlinguistic representation (.75 / 28%)
- Cooperative learning (.73 / 27%)
- Set objectives & provide feedback (.61 / 23%)
- 4 types of feedback:
- expert feedback
- clarifying
- listening
- reflective (from self)
- Provide more opportunities for students to see feedback.
- "Feedback is the hinge that swings the information about goals and progress between students and teachers."
- Feedback reduces the gap between what is known and what is aimed to be known.
- Generate and test hypothesis (.61 / 23%)
- Questions, cues, and advanced organizers (.59 / 22%)
- A: Apply thinking or practice:
- to thinking skill
- to a new situation
- G: Generalize, Goal Review/Revisit (how did I do against the LT/SC?), Grade
- Review scores (standards, self-assessment, character)
- Process:
- Record the goal - both effort and understanding (in the notebook, on goal sheet, on top of think sheet)
- Score knowledge 1-5
- Revise the goal and re-rank knowledge.
- Goal Chart - if always a 2, discuss.
- High-level expectations - complex decision making, synthesis, independence, application
- Transference of skills within and across content and grade levels
- Gradual release
- Feedback - What are we looking for? (T/S checklists) What are we noticing? How are we responding?
- If-then curriculum - responsive instruction
- Assessment ladders - deep assessment
- Learning progressions
- sequential, ambitious work in opinion/argument, information, and narrative writing
- Opportunities for repeated writing practice
- Opportunities for repeated writing about reading - close reading, text-based questions, and reading to learn writing moves
Lucy Calkins' Writing Units - K-5:
- K: launching writers workshop, writing for readers (true stories), how-to books - writing to teach, Persuasive Writing of All Kinds - using words to make a change (petitions, persuasive letters, signs)
- 1: Small Moments - writing with focus, detail, and dialogue; Nonfiction Chapter books; Writin gReviews (persuasive book reviews); From Scenes to Series: Writing Fiction (anchor text - Henry and Mudge)
- 2: Lessons from the Masters - Improving Narrative Craft - stretching small moments and writing in detail; Lab Reports and Science Books; Writing about Reading - persuasive arguments; Poetry - Big Thoughts in Small Packages - explore and savor language
- 3: crafting true stories; Art of Informational Writing; Changing the World - persuasive speeches, petitions, and editorial; Once Upon A Time - adapting and writing fairy tales (writing scenes, omnicient narrator, create tension, crafting figurative language to convey mood)
- 4: The Arc of Story - writing realistic fiction (believable characters with struggles and motivations and rich stories to tell); boxes and Bullets - Personal and Persuasive Essays (organization and form to gather evidence to support and express an opinion on topics they know well); Bringing History to LIfe; Literary Essay - writing about fiction
- 5: Narrative Craft (more signitifcant, focused personal narratives, turn timelines into cohesive, engaging story mountains); The lens of history - research reports (draw inspiration and understanding from mentor texts, historical accounts, primary source docs, maps, timelines...); Shaping texts - from essay and narrative to memoir (how to write a personal journey, or memoirs, that ar erich with poignant details and compelling insights); Research-Based argument essay (balance evidence and analysis to persuade readers to action)
POssible Repeat: GANAG Webinar:
GANAG by Jane Pollock (jpollock@LearningHorizon.net)
Based on Resources:- Classroom Instruction that Works - Marzano + Jane Pollock
- Goal: Students using the strategies without teacher direction.
- HINGE: Feedback (4 types) -- All the strategies create MORE feedback
- Feedback is the hinge that swing the information about goals and progress between students and teachers.
- Feedback reduces the gap between what is known and what is unknown/aimed to be known
- 4 types of feedback
- Expert feedback (from teacher)
- Clarifying feedback (from teacher or peers)
- Listening feedback (from others; observing)
- Reflective Feedback (from self)
- 9 Classroom Strategies
- Identify similarities and differences - Effect Size 1.61 - Percentile Gain 45%
- Summarize and note taking - 1.0 -- 34%
- REinforcing effort and providing recognition - .80 -- 29%
- Homework and practice -- .77 -- 28%
- Nonlinguistic Representation -- .75 -- 27%
- Cooperative Learning -- .73 -- 27%
- Set Objectives and provide feedback -- .61 -- 23%
- Generate and Test hypothesis -- .61 -- 23%
- Questions, cues, and advanced organizers -- .59 -- 22%
- Feedback: The Hinge-factor that joins Teaching and Learning
- Minding the Gap One Classroom at a Time
- LearningHorizon.net
- Bonnie David - educating for change
- IMulligan@regisjesuit.com or SMarieHensley@gmail.com
Pedagogical Automaticity: What is automatic? What will it take to change your habits?
- Where does the habit come from? Do we know that?
- Example: ham cut off both sides (grandma and great grandma b/c oven too small)
- 30% malnutrition & 70% not --> watch the behaviors of the 70% to find out why --> The Power of Positive Deviance (www.positivEdeviance.org)
- Science
- Invisible in plain site
- The flip or the switch
- A simple Solution
Teaching --> Learning
Objective --> Goal (7 & possibly 8, 3)
Anticipatory Set --> Access Prior Knowledge (5, 9, 1, 6)
Input and Modeling --> New Information (declarative and procedural) (1, 2, 5)
Guided Practice --> Apply Thinking (declarative) OR Guided Practice (procedural) (1 - 6)
Independent Practice --> Apply... (2, 3, 4, 6, 8)
Check for Understanding, monitor, and adjust
Closure --> Generalize (1,7, 8), goal review (student does this) (3,7) grade (4)
Madelaine Hunter --> GANAG
G - Standards, ID skills needed, Self-regulation skills, character traits (helps develop the frontal lobes)
A - Cues, prompt
N - Aquire NEW knowledge
- Declarative: gather (input) and organize (output)
- Procedural: gather (Input: read, listen, watch steps) and practice (output)
A - Apply thinking skills/ new situations
G - Generalize (exit ticket), Goal Review, Grade score (standards, self-regulation skills, character) Teacher - class list with goals (with multiple opportunities for scoring) b/c if teach it, score it!
Interactive Notebook:
- Left Side: STUDENT
- Right Side: TEACHER
- G: Write goals in notebook (score knowledge (1-5) before and after instruction)
- A: RIGHT: APK and LEFT: application to content, questions, connections
- N: "Stop to Interact" - chance to use thinking skill OR get feedback OR practice. RIGHT: Notes from teacher; LEFT: response, represent notes in a different way, summary, written conversation
- A: notes from IP/IWT - Connections to something else... (generating and testing hypothesis / decision making skills)
- G: Rescore goals (why), exit ticket
Example Score Sheets:
- Top: Personal goal for this unit / Plan for achieving this goal
- Date -- Goal -- Score before Instruction -- Effort -- Score after Instruction -- Grade
- Rubric:
- Don't know anything
- Heard it before, but I need a refresher (sounds familiar)
- Remember a few things / facts
- I know a lot about it - I can talk about it.
- I could teach this and apply it to something else - what's a connection?
- Circle grades that do not match with reflection scores (ex: 5 and a C)
- Goals: LT/SC
- Provide more opportunity to allow students to seek feedback
- Ex Goals: korbartwuhs.wordpress.com
- Access Prior Knowledge - under 3 minutes
- pictures, movies, physical
- you don't have to show the whole movie, but they will watch the rest so be sure to watch it...all!
- "instant grapple"
- 5 high yield strategies in 5 minutes!
- Be creative in applications - doesn't have to be exact. (accuracy boomerang)
- Goal: grab attention
- pictures, movies, physical
- New Information: Declarative vs Procedural
- Thinking Skills required to follow COMPLEX INSTRUCTIONS
- Focus on the Goal:
- Reduce impulsivity
- Stick to task
- Associate:
- compare and contrast
- Classify
- make analogies
- Analyze
- Perspectives (id issue, state perspective, the logic, evidence, state different perspective, the logic, evidence, repeat, summarize)
- Argument
- Persuade with fallacies
- systems (if -- then, flowchart)
- Decide
- Investigate / Analyze
- Understand and Solve the problem
- Create a test
- Invert
- Choose among the alternatives
- Focus on the Goal:
- Thinking Skills required to follow COMPLEX INSTRUCTIONS
- Apply Thinking / New Procedure:
- Do the .... OR
- Apply via high cognitive task, online searches...
- clip board - record thinking throughout the class - Communicates, "Yes, you are being monitored and help accountable for your learning!"
- "Teach over the shoulders" of students
- G - generalize (exit ticket), goal reflection, grade
- Grade throughout class, at the end of class, you know how all students are doing
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