Pam - 2013-14 School Year:
- TCSD Area of Focus: Creating engaging, successful learning for all students through quality questions, discussion techniques, and timely, quality feedback.
- Cycles of Inquiry:
- Reflection IN action
- Reflection ON action
- Evidence based
- Deliberate Excellence
- We increase learned by...
- addressing the instructional core.
- increating the level and complexity of our curriculum.
- using SEL (It increases student learning by 11%.).
- using IFW: Planning and Preparation (1), CEC (2), and Professional Responsibilities (4) are all in service of Instruction (3)
- using Principals' IFW: Managing Organizations; Vision, mission, and goals; collaboration with families and stakeholders; the education system; ethics and integrity are all in service of Instructional Leadership
- Sir Ken Robinson (TED):
- $1 trillion net gain to economy if we halved the drop out rate.
- Diversity - read education provides equality to all classes: art, humanities, PE; it celebrates all parts of children.
- They fidget because they are doing "clerical work."
- Curiosity - light it and watch natural learning unfold. Curiosity is the engine of achievement.
- If there is no learning, there is no teaching.
- Role of teacher is to facilitate learning.
- Testing should support NOT create the culture of education.
- Finland:
- Individualize teaching and learning.
- high status to teaching profession
- devolved responsibility to the school level.
- "You can't fire your way to Finland!" ~ Pam.
- Reasons for success and failure are "rooted in their own biography."
- Culture is not missing, just dormant (C: Death Valley rain storm)
- seeds of possibility are just below the surface
- waiting for the right conditions and possibilities
- 3 types of people: no move, moveable, movers!
- Rita Pierson (TED)
- no significant learning without significant relationships.
- FA = seeking first to understand and then be understood.
- "If you say it long enough, it comes to be!" ex: YOU MATTER
- Legacy of relationships (C: her mom)
- Teaching and learning bring joy.
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