First - I highly recommend this book. It is a great summary of all the work our district has done the last 1-2 years. It's a quick read and very validating.
Some notes:
"...the single most reliable way to boost student achievement is through quality teaching and quality, sustained staff development (78)."
"...the evidence is pretty solid that improving the quality of teachers is the single most researched, most likely, most reliable way to improve student achievement. You can either become one of the significant players in education who make a stand for what's good, right, and important about education or you can become like those who feel that they've "lost their soul" in teaching. Reconnect with the experience of doing what matters most in teaching. By doing that, you'll get the maximum return on your efforts (79)."
- BE - Body and Emotional Connections -
- strong connection to B-RtI,
- 5 Key Emotional States: safety, vesting (competency, autonomy, relatedness), connection (foster PEER CONNECTIONS (8)), alertness (MOVE), Hope (goals, high expectations, affirmations, success stories, asset building)
- Reminder: this should not be left to chance; be intentional
- F - Feedback and Error Correction -
- personal vs task oriented; local vs global; positive vs negative (!!)
- need all types of feedback from many sources
- Instructive Feedback -
- Consider: timing, who (many sources), Format (ex: planned quizzes), Standing (goal based)
- Pg 22 "Fierce teaching means having the humility to admit that your teaching won't get into students' heads right the first time and the integrity and commitment to fix it and get it right with error correction."
- I - Input -to - Output Ratio:
- chunk the day and the amount of information given. (10 learning / 10-15 processing)
- Learn --> S&T --> PTT --> TT --> Share/Reflect = SLOWING THE PACE to Learn
- more spiraling, previewing, and reviewing
- pause often - allow more wait time and more think time
- breaks - close eyes, naps, think (SLEEP important)
- prepare for learning better
- continual reviews - C: to the connect (we learned that...)
- constantly transform the learning into different understanding (experience, apply, conceptual, practice...) (List on page 31)
- E - Elaboration for Depth:
- Elaboration is vertical
- Elaboration allow student to think about the big picture, dig for details, look for connections, and find meaning in the learning.
- Elaboration categories:
- processing for width - broaden our learning, connections
- processing for depth - finding more details and more complete understanding
- processing for perspective - take on another point of view, goal: diversity
- processing to package or communicate - turn learning into communication
- processing for application - specific practical application of the material
- processing though individual, personal reflection
- How to Elaborate:
- vesting
- modeling (more than one way)
- simplifying
- engage!
- ensure feedback
- managing states....what do I do when I'm frustrated?
- 5 Elaboration strategies:
- Discussion and summary
- Reciporcal teaching
- Student-generated assessments (use with journals (37)
- Elaborative Q & A (with justification) time
- Answers within a time period - 60 second answer (CAP)
- List all responses and then discuss merits of each, rank
- Elaborative visual thinking
- drawing, graphics, painting, mapping, etc
- discover new organization or old material
- discover new meaning for the same material
- gain new understanding of the critical and most key relationships in the content
- R - Recall and Memory Management:
- 6 strategies:
- preexposure (months, years, days) - CCSSMath (sampling)
- priming (graphic organizer "written conversation")
- PK Activation
- Postviewing - Reflection
- Guided Practice - practice again
- Revisionw with links - "revision or original learning" - HOM!!!
- "The Revision process is the task of reconstructing the learning from hours, days, or weeks ago. It's critical to student performance (48)."
- PTT, "mistakes are how we learn", memorize things, prime with multiple sources, graphic organizers, written conversation using a graphic organizer, fast reviews...
- C - Content Coherence
- Key Structural Knowledge - how is it stored? where? Graphic organizers Connected to PK
- Experiential Learning
- Semantic Support - talk, analogy/metaphor - transform the content
- The use of MOdels - functional (simple, coherent way to study the content; illuminate or reveal features or principles about the learning) and structured (detailed understanding of a system) (57)
- Summarizing and Discussions - SUPED - up **Use journals**
- Summarize into 1 paragraph
- Underline key ideas from the summary and write questions in the margins
- Peers edit what is written ("written conversation" using summary and questions)
- Edit - student edits and revises using feedback
- Discussion help using summaries as a guide.
- Sleeping on It - let the subconscious do the work especially when content in too new, too complex, or too different to immediately understand and take in deeply.
- E - Environmental Management
- Environment changes the brain (62). Our environments strangly influence the developing brain via the following:
- the growth and survival (or stunting) of brand-new brain cells
- the present-time alteration of genes (accidental and purposeful mutants)
- enabling the brain to recover from environmental toxins, aggression, disease, substance abuse, trauma, and learning disabilities
- affecting cognitive capacity and emotional responsiveness
- Don't leave your environment or culture to chance.
- types of Environments:
- Physical
- Social - students spend over 2,300 days (13 years at 180 days) from K-12th grade in a primarily social context... social neuroscience (66)
- GOAL: orchestrate the way kids socialize! This needs ongoing attention and development (69).
- Academic - 5 success factors
- celebrate and affirm the learning **Include teachers
- life-path guidance
- use of traditions - make learning more cool than not learning!
- instructional variety
- student asset building - Study skills and metaskills, social-emotional skills
- Cultural Environment - 3 types
- Culture of success - there are many ways to be smart...
- Culture of character - honesty, responsibility, and fairness / empathy, listening skills
- Culture of respect - You are somebody
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