- A way to communicate with administrators and teachers. Clarify expectations.
- Use to set goals
- Use to plan IC PD for all, some, individual (internal and external support)
- Evidence VS Examples - how are we differentiating these two?
- Are we asking the right questions to get the right evidence? (at all levels)
- How did this support help you grow?
- Note the ROOM as evidence - what evidence can you gather from just looking around?
- Focus on teacher learning and gather evidence to be clear if the instructional support is helping them to grow and develop.
- 1C - set clear goals
- 1F - plan how to gather evidence of your work
- 3D - LT/SC of PD, assessment criteria, FA
- 3A - communicate (frame and narrate) - script
- 4B - collect and organize data of teacher learning
- Evidence from all PD:
- Studio: exit tickets, AoF/CoI revisions, CC/TFBWT, PLC notes and reflections connected to studio
- PLC: ongoing reflections, changes in practice, sharing/defenses of learning
- Walkthroughs: take aways, video notes, Learning summaries (threaded conversations on PLC groups), additions to AoF, observations/debrief - 2 weeks later (improvement?), exit tickets
- Coaching Cycles: planning and reflection conversations, video notes/TC posts, learning summary & COI reflections
- Student Surveys - does your teacher.... (how often), does it help you learn? (EX: prompt)
Teaching Channel / Using Video as a tool for teacher growth:
- reorient yourself with video
- Post questions in the video notes to draw teachers in...
- Lesson study to view video together...
- Walk through using video (pause and discuss)
- Studio Lessons - watch throughout the year (at the beginning of the year, we were thinking about... Now we are thinking about...)
- Load videos and ask teachers to respond.
- Move coaching away from relational to technical.
- The whole process is messy.
- "Place has memory" - move teachers to a new place in the room to change practice!
- There is no magic set of questions. We have to know who the teacher is, what we want to do, what agreements we have, what's happening at the school and district levels, etc...
- Conversations should...
- clarify practice/language
- name practice - things you/they may not realize are practice
- Questions we can use:
- What are you learning to apply?
- How do I apply what I know?
- Why is this a focus?
- What evidence do you have for that?
- **How are your questions getting you closer to a clearer coaching goal?
- 2-week Coaching cycle:
- feedback should always be focused on the coaching cycle VS the classroom work. YOu are always focused on the goals, LT/SC of the coaching cycle.
- How do I make the most of a 2 week coaching cycle? Stay within that cycle!
- Note the room as evience
Coaching Script:
- Planning:
- What is your goal in this coaching cycle?
- What does that mean?
- In the idea, what would that look like?
- What does it look like now?
- How will we know we are successful? What evidence will we have?
- So our LT/SC and the E will be...
- During:
- Restate the goal of the coaching cycle - research to see if they are working on the same goal!
- What did you notice today? What did you notice about your CC goal?
- What evidence do we see that this is more successful?
- Reflection:
- Frame: We aren't finished, but we have to stop!
- Frame: This conversation confirms the changes that have occurred, cement the learning, and celebrate what's been accomplished.
- Questions:
- What was our goal?
- What did we do?
- What did this coaching cycle accomplish? (coaching, content, instruction)
- For you
- For students
- How do we know? Evidence
- What did you learn about your area of focus?
- As a learner, how have you changed?
- How will you keep the momentum alive?
- To document (and share) your work, please write a learning summary and update your COI.
- Learning Summary: I met my goal of ____ by ____ and students have responded _____.
Frames/Questions for collaborative sessions (lesson studies):
- Distance allows for ownership
- The goal is to put all our knowledge together to analyze/learn about/reflect on...
- We are always doing the same work...
- Nothing will take away the work, we will just get more efficient at doing it.
- What are we learning to apply?
- What are you now more confident about?
- How is our capacity growing in this area?
- IC Learning Summary - when? how often? share with whom? (4A - model reflection more often)
- Teacher Learning Summary: create a rubric with Bo and Matt (Nooksak??)
- Area of Focus:
- Focus on teacher learning and gather evidence to be clear if my work is helping them grow and develop.
- 1C - identify clear, specific, and appropriate goals based on teacher needs and AoFs.
- Create more specific goals for teachers
- 1F - Plan to measure coaching cycles relative to clearly stated goals. Evaluate evidence of individual and collective coaching cycles both during the coaching cycle and after (survey?)
- Formally evaluate the evidence and track growth
- Do I really know if I am successful?
- What data/evidence? Collaborate with Bo and Matt and other coaches
- 3A - use language that establishes clarify and purpose of teacher learning (add this to the script)
- 3D - establish LT/SC/E within CC, use assessment during coaching cycles to give feedback and gather evidence around the goals of the CC
- The clearer these are the better our analysis will be.
- Consider during IC meetings and share progress
- 4B - consider coaching log based on teacher learning/progress.
- Analyze these for growth of my work and teacher's work.
- What is our system for sharing insights, growth, questions?
- 4C - coordinate work with other ICs
- How do we make the IC meetings more meaningful for our work?
- Consider confidentiality (4F) - how are we more clear with teachers about what this means?
- New PD ideas for next year:
- Learning Walks at the end of coaching cycles (every 2 weeks)
- I-PLC vs C-PLC = manage both instruction and content pedagogical shifts (units, planning, reflections)
- I-Studios vs C-Studios
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